Saturday, June 7, 2008

So Why Are You Such A Wiseacre?

Since this is my chance to sound off I'm going to take full advantage of it.

I know, I'm a very obscure grandma, not famous at all,
most people have never even heard of me...but some have.

So, you read my About Me and it said: Others describe me as a
"Wise Woman" . I'll bet you are asking yourself:

"So, what makes you such a wiseacre? What qualifies you to
dispense advice and how do you dare be so presumptuous
and arrogant as to write that?"

Well, its because that is the feedback I've gotten for the past few years
from many people who have asked for my advice. And from some who needed
it and I gave it because I saw they were in need and I wanted to help them out.

I don't do that very often. Actually I don't even like giving advice when I'm asked.

I just seem to have an intuition about these things. I always caution the person
that I could be totally wrong and to use their best good judgment.

What qualifies me is near 60 years of living, experiencing, studying
growing, and making every possible mistake in the book.

I'm what is called a late bloomer. Most of my life I wandered around
with no clarity at all about my own life. I kept asking the "Above"
for wisdom.

Hey, it worked for Solomon, and I figured it would work for me too.
I also kept asking for understanding because I needed that most of all.

Solomon was wise, to be sure, but he didn't "get it".
He didn't understand some very basic things.

Because I had walked around in such a confused state for most of my life
understanding became very important in my life.

I've always said that if I can understand a thing, I can accept anything.

I had to change that.

Anyway, I kept asking the "Above" for Understanding, Wisdom, Acceptance
and Peace. Especially peace.

I guess we all want those things.

One of the biggest pieces of wisdom I ever got was the insight that,
whether I understood or not, I would be at peace as soon as I accepted
whatever came into my life, whether I understood or not.

I learned that "Why?" was a question I would have to eliminate
from my consciousness.

Right after I made a commitment to myself to do that, people started
asking my advice and when I gave my input they started calling me wise.

My opinion of myself is very different. I think I just have common sense and experience
and use it. I don't think there is anything more special about me than anyone else.

But then, I think everyone is very special and nobody is all that special.

I hope this clears up any possible misconceptions.

I'm not famous, or rich...I am incredibly wealthy in many
very important intangible ways.

I'm just smart enough to recognize that fact.

So, do I have any words of wisdom to impart to you
that you will find of any value?
I don't know.

You decide that for yourself.

If I had any word of wisdom to impart today
it would be pretty simple.

Be Accepting and Be Grateful. That's it!

Think about that for a moment.

What do you get if you are accepting?

What happens if something unacceptable happens
and you accept it anyway?

Who benefits?

You do!

Not only do you look great but you feel better.

Have you ever seen how grateful someone who has
been marginalized, ostracized, discriminated against,
and treated with disrespect, is treated with acceptance and

They will do just about anything for the person
who recognized them as a human being rather than
treating them as less than a bug.

What result does Gratitude have?

Try it out and see for yourself.

When you accept people, places, things, circumstances
and situations in your life things go a lot more smoothly.
That's because there isn't a level of resistance.

No Friction, No Resistance = Peace.

Every great World Teacher and Sacred Text
has said that. So there has to be something to it.

Give it a try!

Look! Resisting doesn't change anything and just makes
everything more difficult.

There is a law that says: "Whatever you resist persists"

So by resisting you just perpetuate what you are resisting,
that just makes things worse, doesn't it?

So that doesn't work.

The only place resistance works is with sandpaper.

What about Gratitude?

What happens when something potentially negative
comes up and you look for something in it to be grateful for?

What happens when someone says or does something mean or hateful
and you just smile and say "Thank You!"

Messes them up, doesn't it? Confuses them, sometimes angers them.
But they can't stay angry and they go off wondering about you.

But you have peace.

What happens when people appreciate and are grateful for what you do for them?
Doesn't that feel great?

So, it would stand to reason that pretty much anyone would feel good when
you express appreciation and gratitude to them.

Wouldn't that make relationships better?

Think about it!

Its a proven fact that people, even babies will do more
for appreciation, gratitude and recognition than for any other reason.

That works well for everyone!!

Sure, there are people who "don't get it". So what? If you get it
you are the one who benefits most.

You will notice that no where have I even hinted this is easy.

Sometimes it is the most challenging, frustrating, thing in the world to do.

Usually nobody knows. No one recognizes it and you get no brownie points for doing it.

However, in the final analysis, it is the very best thing you can do.

Ultimately you always feel better and YOU benefit most.

Ok, that's it for today. Those are my words of wisdom.

Take it or leave it as you will. If you benefit you have yourself to thank.

You chose to take that advice and try it on for size.

That makes you the "Wise One".